Commtact Secures Major Contract with European NATO Member for Phoenix Communication Systems
/Advanced Wireless Solutions for Tactical UASs, Enhancing ISR and Extended Range Operations
Read MoreAdvanced Wireless Solutions for Tactical UASs, Enhancing ISR and Extended Range Operations
Read MoreVIPER I (Interceptor) provides real-time, on-the-move interception of Top-Attack threats against tactical forces...
Read MoreThe intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) community faces new challenges as an exponential increase of information - including real-time data and video streams …
Read MoreIndian Navy remains committed to ensuring maritime security in the region and the safety of seafarers, regardless of their nationality…
Read MoreDEFEA : RT and CopterPIX Launch the Sky-High DI System, a Combined Tactical Aerostat and Mini Quad Rotor Drone for a comprehensive detection solution
Read MoreThis deployable Air Traffic Management solution will provide the RAAF the capacity to deploy airfield and airspace management capability anywhere in the world
Read MoreThe French start-up, which uses AI to analyze aerial and satellite images to monitor critical sites, relies on MarkLogic to ensure the security, efficiency and accessibility of its customers' data…
Read MoreLe CDSE est au service de la sécurité-sûreté des entreprises et se veut ainsi utile à ses membres et à la sécurité national…
Vladimir Poutine a répondu pendant 4 heures aux questions de journalistes et d’auditeurs, sans filtre. En voici l’essentiel concernant l’Ukraine, la Syrie, les BRICS et la Paix…
Les fêtes de fin d'année sont souvent une période de joie et tout semble indiquer que les internautes utilisent ces occasions dans leurs mots de passe. Attention danger !
Derrière les attentats de Bombay en Inde, de 2006 et 2008, des groupes djihadistes mais aussi le Pakistan et ses services secrets….