From December14, 2023 to January 27, 2024
Map overview highlighting recent incidents the indian navy has responded to in order to ensure maritime security and safety.*
(1) Piracy attack on MV Ruen in central arabian sea
On 14 December 2023, a distress call from MV RUEN was addressed by The Indian Navy promptly dispatching assistance, redirecting a maritime patrol aircraft conducting surveillance in the area and a warship engaged in anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden to locate and aid MV RUEN.
The hijacking of this vessel occurred in the Central Arabian Sea, strategically chosen by the pirates to avoid maritime traffic and the presence of private Marine Armed Security Personnel (PMASP). The selected area also had limited naval presence, enhancing the pirates' operational advantage.
The crew successfully evacuated to the citadel/safe house onboard MV RUEN, establishing communication with a naval maritime patrol aircraft for assistance. The pirates, at the time released one injured Bulgarian sailor into the care of the Indian navy, and took the vessel till the city of Bosaso.The Indian navy continued monitoring the vessel and recaptured the vessel on 16 March 2024 when the vessel was detected sailing out from Bosaso as a mother ship to commit further acts of piracy. Deploying multiple naval assists and airdropping commandos around the vessel, The Indian Navy was able to rescue the crew and capture all pirates on board.
(2) Drone attack on MV Chem Pluto, 220 nm west of porbandar, gujrat, india
On 23 December 2023, the Liberia-flagged tanker MV CHEM PLUTO encountered a drone attack while navigating from Jubail, Saudi Arabia, to New Mangalore, India. Approximately 220 miles off the coast of India in the Arabian Sea, the vessel fell victim to a drone strike, resulting in an onboard fire that was promptly subdued by the crew. Subsequently, a complete loss of power ensued, causing the vessel to drift until the technical malfunction was rectified by the diligent crew members. Despite the severity of the incident, there were no reported injuries among the crew. However, significant damage was sustained, particularly to the stern section and internal compartments of the ship.
The Indian Navy deployed an aircraft, a warship, and a Coast Guard vessel to provide necessary aid. These assets escorted MV CHEM PLUTO safely to the port of Mumbai, India, where repairs and further investigation into the attack could be conducted.
Marlin Luanda
(3) Hijack incident onboard mv Lila Norfolk off somalia
On 04 January 2024, a hijacking event transpired aboard the Liberia flagged bulk carrier LILA NORFOLK, situated about 460 nm east of Eyl, Somalia. The vessel was en route to Khalifa Bin Salman Port, Bahrain when it was infiltrated by a group of armed perpetrators numbering between five to six individuals. The Indian Navy initiated an immediate response, an Indian Navy aircraft and a warship were redirected to provide assistance to the compromised vessel. Continuous surveillance was maintained via Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) and an integral helicopter, ensuring comprehensive monitoring of the situation. The combined efforts of the MPA's forceful warnings and the potential interception by the Indian Navy warship prompted the perpetrators to flee under the cover of darkness. All 21 crew members were reported unharmed, marking a successful resolution to the incident.
(4) Drone attack on mv Genco Picardy SE of aden, yemen
On 16 January 2024, MV GENCO PICARDY encountered a drone attack on its port side about 60 nm SE of Aden, Yemen. In response to its distress call The Indian Navy dispatched vessels to assist with fire fighting and crew rescue. Indian Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) specialists from INS Visakhapatnam boarded the vessel to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the affected area. Following a meticulous assessment, the EOD specialists declared the area safe for further transit.
(5) Missile attack on MV Marlin Luanda in the gulf of aden
On 26 January 2024, in the Gulf of Aden, an incident occurred involving the Marshall Island-flagged crude oil tanker MV Marlin Luanda (IMO No 9829899). The vessel was enroute from Port Said, Egypt to Fujairah, UAE, carrying a cargo of 87,000 MT of Naphtha and 1,500 MT of bunkers.
Reports indicated a missile attack targeting the tanker, resulting in a significant fire outbreak within one of its cargo holds. Upon detecting the distress signal, Indian Navy deployed in the vicinity, promptly responded to the emergency. Warships stationed in the area provided extensive support by supplying large quantities of high-efficiency foam concentrate to aid in firefighting efforts. In response to the master's request, a specialized firefighting team comprising 10 Indian Naval personnel from INS Visakhapatnam embarked on MT Marlin Luanda on January 27th, 2024.
Their mission was to augment the ship's crew in containing and extinguishing the fire. Through coordinated efforts between the vessel's crew and the Indian Navy firefighting team, the fire was successfully brought under control.
lorenzo putha
(6) Hijack incident onboard fishing vessel Lorenzo Putha 04 in the arabian sea
On 27 January 2024, the Sri Lanka flagged multiday fishing trawler, LORENZO PUTHA 04, encountered a hijacking situation approximately 955 nautical miles East of Mogadishu, Somalia. This event prompted a swift and coordinated multilateral response from various maritime security forces. Amidst this collaborative effort, the Indian Navy deployed INS Sharda and authorized the deployment of HALE Sea Guardian to locate and intercept the hijacked vessel. The successful interception led to the involvement of Seychelles special military forces, who swiftly boarded the hijacked fishing vessel and assumed control, thereby ensuring the safety of the Sri Lankan fishermen onboard. All six crew members emerged unharmed from the ordeal.
*Thanks to the services of the Indian Embassy in Paris for their assistance in gathering information.
Credit photos: Indian services