MBDA presents AKERON
/MBDA presents AKERON, a unique family of fifth-generation tactical combat missiles. This family includes the MMP and MHT missiles, now renamed AKERON MP and AKERON LP respectively.
Read MoreMBDA presents AKERON, a unique family of fifth-generation tactical combat missiles. This family includes the MMP and MHT missiles, now renamed AKERON MP and AKERON LP respectively.
Read MoreMMP is the latest generation anti-tank missile in service to have been successfully engaged in combat on several occasions…
Read MoreDuring this demonstration, the drone enabled the detection and identification of a tank located outside the MMP operator’s field of vision…
Read MoreThe MMP – the first fifth-generation missile to be deployed in combat – has been in service with the French Army for two years…
Read MoreCommenting on the launch of the programme, MBDA CEO Eric Béranger declared: “The MHT/MLP missile combines new technologies, developed with the support of the DGA, with the tried and tested components of the MMP, making it an effector at the forefront of today’s tactical land combat missiles…”
Read MoreLynkEUs, an MBDA coordinated project, has been selected by the European Commission as part of the new European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP)…
Read MoreMBDA, along with its industry and French Government partners, have been awarded the prestigious Ingénieur général Chanson prize for their work combining artificial intelligence (AI) and massively parallel processing to develop new real-time target Detection, Recognition and Identification (DRI) technology.
Read MoreLors du salon “Enforce Tac 2025”, Andres Industries AG et Microoled ont révélé leur partenariat de longue date…
Le DPO n’est plus seulement le garant du respect des règles du RGPD; il est devenu un acteur dans la stratégie des organisations…
A Farnborough, NP Aerospace annonce l'augmentation de ses capacités d'assemblage et d'intégration de véhicules blindés au Royaume-Uni