Newsletter SDBR - April 20th, 2010
/The newsletter for April 20th, 2010, is available for download. Only in French.
In this issue you can read Olivier Buquen’s interview, ex-French Delegate for Business Intelligence…
Read MoreThe newsletter for April 20th, 2010, is available for download. Only in French.
In this issue you can read Olivier Buquen’s interview, ex-French Delegate for Business Intelligence…
Read MoreThe newsletter for October 6th, 2009, is available for download. Only in French.
In this issue you can read particularly Alain Juillet’s interview, Senior adviser at the law firm Orrick Rambaud Martel, Former Senior Manager in charge of Economic Intelligence…
Read MoreLors du salon “Enforce Tac 2025”, Andres Industries AG et Microoled ont révélé leur partenariat de longue date…
Le DPO n’est plus seulement le garant du respect des règles du RGPD; il est devenu un acteur dans la stratégie des organisations…
A Farnborough, NP Aerospace annonce l'augmentation de ses capacités d'assemblage et d'intégration de véhicules blindés au Royaume-Uni